Read a Book ~ Right a Wrong

The Wrong: Too Many Wrongful Convictions
Too many people are doing time for crimes they did not commit.
Wrongful convictions are all too real in our justice system. As I write, almost 3,000 men and women have been exonerated, totaling more than 30,000 years lost. Conservative estimates are that only 1-2% of all convictions are of innocent people. That’s an impressive success rate, and it can be comforting to think that our criminal justice system incarcerates the correct person 98-99% of the time. However, this is not good news if you are among the 1-2%. Think about what that means in actual numbers. There are approximately 2.5 million people incarcerated in the US. Conservatively, then, there are thousands of innocent people doing time for crimes they did not commit.
Let’s do something about it!
The Books: Wrongful Convictions Novels
THEY CAN'T TAKE YOUR NAME is a crime novel—inspired by the poetry of Langston Hughes—about a brokenhearted man who attempts to help a desperate daughter find freedom for her wrongfully convicted father. Along the way, Eli Stone, tries desperately not to fall in love, ever again.
A DREAM IN THE DARK is a crime novel about Moses King, an innocent man convicted because the victim, Claudette Cooper, had a dream that he was the perpetrator—her dream is now his nightmare. Their fate is in the hands of Liza Brown, a woman determined to rescue others from a justice system that failed her faither, and Eli Stone, an angry man.
In this series we follow Eli Stone and Liza Brown as they fight the greatest injustice in our justice system—wrongful convictions.
The Right: Local Innocence Projects
The Korey Wise Innocence Project at CU Law School works tirelessly to free those whom the legal system has failed and push for reforms to prevent wrongful convicgtions at the front end.
The Pennsylvania Innocence Project seeks to exonerate those convicted of crimes they did not commit, prevent innocent people from being prosecuted and convicted, and helps those wrongfully convicted transition to freedom.
You've already made a difference!
If you've purchased THEY CAN'T TAKE YOUR NAME and/or A DREAM IN THE DARK you've already made a difference!
Simply put, I donate a significant portion of my advance and royalties to these two amazing innocence projects. The average cost to free an innocent person is enormous, and I hope that proceeds from this series of books will raise enough money that we will be able to say that together we had a part in somebody’s freedom.